7,62 mm Cartridges
7,62 mm Cartridges
7,62mm Rifle cartridge with steel core bullet (DESIGNATION 57-N-323S) and enhanced penetrability bullet (DESIGNATION 7N13)This cartridge is designed to engage hostile manpower and fire weapons. It is fired from PK, PKM, PKMS, PKMT, PKMB, GShG-7.62, SGM-5 and SGM-3 machine guns as well as SVD and SVDS sniper rifles. The bullet is not painted.
Caliber, mm 7,62 x 54
Weight, g:
cartridge 21,8/21,7*
bullet 9,6/9,4*
Cartridge length, mm 77,1
Muzzle velocity, m/s 828
Fire consistency at 300m range (R50), cm, max 9
Penetration range, m:
St3 steel plate, 6 mm thick 520/660*
6Zh85T flak vest 110/800*
Case bimetallic
* Bullet with thermally reinforced core (designation 7N13)
7,62mm Rifle cartridge with T-46 tracer bullet (DESIGNATION 7T2) and T-46M modernized tracerbullet (DESIGNATION 7T2M)
This cartridge is designed to designate targets and adjust fire. It is fired from PKM, PKMS, PKMT, PKMB, PK, PKS, PKT, PKB, GShG-7.62, SGM-5 and SGM-3 machine guns as well as SVD and SVDS sniper rifles. The 7T2M cartridge differs from the 7T2 cartridge by trace initiation at a distance of 50 m from the muzzle face. The bullet point is painted green.
Caliber, mm 7,62 x 54
Weight, g:
cartridge 22
bullet 9,65
Cartridge length, mm 77.1
Muzzle velocity, m/s 798
Max mean powder gas pressure, MPa 284,4
Fire consistency at 300m range (R50), cm, max 15
Tracer burning time, s 3
Trace initiation from muzzle face, m 50 - 120
Case bimetallic
7,62 mm Sniper rifle cartridge (DESIGNATION 7N1)
The cartridge is designed to engage individual live targets and unarmored materiel at ranges of up to 1,000 m. It is fired from SVD and SVDS sniper rifles. The bullet is not painted.
Caliber, mm 7,62 x 54
Weight, g:
cartridge 21,9
bullet 9,8
Cartridge length, mm 77,1
Muzzle velocity, m/s 823
Max mean powder gas pressure, MPa 284.4
Fire consistency at 300m range (R100), cm, max 8
Case bimetallic
7,62 mm Rifle cartridge with B-32 armor piercing incendiary bullet (DESIGNATION 7BZ-3)
This cartridge is designed to engage lightly armored targets and ignite fuel behind penetrable armor or in a thick-wall container. It ignites the B-70 gasoline. It is fired from PK, PKS, PKB, PKT, PKM, PKMS, PKMB, SGM-5 and SGM-3 machine guns as well as SVD and SVDS sniper rifles. The bullet point is painted black and red.
Caliber, mm 7.62 x 54
Weight, g:
cartridge 22,6
bullet 10,39
Cartridge length, mm 77,1
Muzzle velocity, m/s 808
Max mean powder gas pressure, MPa 284,4
Fire consistency
at 300m range (R50), cm, max 15
10-mm armor plate penetration range, m 200
Case bimetallic
7,62 mm cartridge, model 1943, with-45M modernized tracer bullet (DESIGNATION 57-T-231PM1)
This cartridge is designed to designate targets, adjust fire and engage manpower. It is fired from the 7.62mm Kalashnikov assault rifle (AK) and its versions AKM and AKMS, the 7.62mm Kalashnikov light machine gun (RPK) and its derivative RPKS, the Degtyarev light machine gun (RPD) and the Simonov selfloading carbine (SKS). The bullet point is painted green.
Caliber, mm 7,62 x 39
Weight, g:
cartridge 16,05
bullet 7,55
Cartridge length, mm 56
Muzzle velocity, m/s 718
Max mean powder gas pressure, MPa 274.6
Fire consistency at 300m range (R50), cm 14
Range of trace, m 850
Trace initiation from muzzle face, m 50
Case bimetallic or stell
7,62 mm cartridge, model 1943, with reduced velocitybullet (DESIGNATION 57-N-231U)
This cartridge is designed for engagement of unsheltered manpower at firing ranges of up to 400 m. It is fired from the AKMS assault rifle fitted with the PBS-1 device. The bullet point is painted black and green.
Caliber, mm 7,62 x 39
Weight, g:
cartridge 20
bullet 12,55
Cartridge length, mm 56
Muzzle velocity, m/s 293
Fire consistency at 100-m range (R50), cm, max 3,5
Case bimetallic
7,62 mm cartridge, model 1943, with steel core bullet (DESIGNATION 57-N-231S)
This cartridge is designed to engage hostile manpower and fire weapons at a range of up to 800 m when firing the assault rifle and 1,000 m when firing the light machine gun. It is fired from AKM and AKMS assault rifles, as well as RPK and RPKS light machine guns. The bullet is not painted.
Caliber, mm 7,62 x 39
Weight, g:
cartridge 16,3
bullet 7,9
Cartridge length, mm 56
Muzzle velocity, m/s 718
Max mean powder gas pressure, MPa 274.6
Fire consistency at 300m range (R50), cm, max 7.5
Penetration range, m:
steel helmet 1,000
St3 steel plate, 6 mm thick 300
6Zh85T flak vest 60
Case steel or bimetallic